The sweet taste of success

Spotted Grunter flavour

You know how people say “things just clicked”, well it did and now I laugh at the simplicity of it all. I still get a bit queasy when I think about all the missed opportunities while “doing-it-wrong”. The possibilities of what might have been given this knowledge and experience at an earlier time, oy vey, endless.

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Let’s go for a “walk”

some grunter surface action

They call them ”Grunters” in the Western Cape, “Tigers” in Port Elizabeth and “Spotties” in East London. Nevertheless, it is an awesome fish to catch and it gives you a great fight.

As I relocated a few times during my life, I’ve encountered many different instances fishing for Grunters with prawns.

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Spotted grunter on top-water lure

Western Cape woes

I am no Dynamo, David Blaine or some other master of illusion. Enticing a rise or fooling an unsuspecting ghost of the flats to take interest in my offering, a surface lure, having the spotted grunter believe that it is a prawn just doing a bit of backstroke along the surface, oh the disappointment.

The Eastern Cape anglers probably shake their heads in disbelief at my lack of regular success, you don’t know how easy you have it with your swimming prawns and weedless rivers (or so I thought – edit 2016, see update success).

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