Getting into rock and surf fishing

We received the following question :

“I need to get a little more distance off the rocks and in the surf. What can look at in the line of rods and reels without it getting too complicated but enough to be able to hold my own when fishing in the sea. I have looked on the web at the fishing store and am confused as there is a big selection. Obviously light rods and good reels is the way to go.”

Hi xxxx

There is a huge selection of Rock & Surf tackle out there, and multiple setups to suit everyone’s needs.

Continue reading “Getting into rock and surf fishing”

Cannon Rocks – A quick visit to the hallowed grounds

Cannon Rocks fishing trip! The early winter season jitters had firmly taken hold of me. This is a feeling I have grown accustomed to while living down in the Western Cape. Here winter spells bad news for artificial-lure angling and a road-trip down to the Eastern Cape was required to suppress the looming feelings of insanity.

Continue reading “Cannon Rocks – A quick visit to the hallowed grounds”