Shad or elf

(Pomatomous saltatrix)

What an apt scientific name for this specie. Those of you who have been fortunate enough to hook into a decent size elf on an artificial lure will know exactly what I mean; “saltatrix”. They jump, twist and shake their head, trying to throw the lure, performing all sorts of aerial “tricks”

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Kob or kabeljou

(Dusky – Argyrosomus japonicus)

Kob are one of my favourite species of fish to target. As we predominantly fish in the Eastern and Western Cape it is in fact the dusky kob that lends itself to the hours of enjoyment spent in search of this ambush hunter.

Dusky kob numbers are extremely low and without our help will soon be threatened. Let’s work together and save a specie by handling our catch with care and releasing it, let’s make a difference.

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